Loki's revenge, part 3

Because of the holiness of Asgard, the gods could not take their revenge and let the despairing Hod go. After all, the words of the prophecy were known and it was known, that the avenger has not yet been born.

Meanwhile, preparations were made for the funeral ceremonies. The Hringhorn ship was built on the seashore. On it the body of Baldr was laid. This ship was so huge, that the gods were unable to push him into the water. So they called the giantess Hirrokin to help, which soon arrived, riding a ghastly beast. She was sitting in a saddle made of shinbones covered with human skin, and a rope made of snakes served as a bit.

As soon as she pushed the ship, this one was immediately on the water, screaming sparkles of stones along the way. A pile was prepared on board, on which Baldr's body was laid. His wife Nanna was buried next to him. She was killed by the grief after her husband's death. With him, Baldr's horse and all the items were also put together, which he liked to use. Fire was set on the pile.

A dwarf was just running past Thor's leg. The ace knocked him down accidentally and pushed him into the flames yes, that he was completely burned. It was called Liter and hence his name is mentioned in the Song. At parting, Odin leaned over and whispered secret words in his son's ear. The gods cried, and with them the whole world was plunged into despair. Tale, the daughters of the lord of the seas carried the ship, melting in tears and lifting him so high, that the tip of the mast reached the sky.

This is how the best and most beloved of the gods perished, and the prophecy of Wolwa was fulfilled.