Hymir's cauldron part 1

It happened one time, that gods, having returned from the hunt, they wanted, bored with their own company, for someone to be found, who would ask them to the feast. However, without knowing who would be worthy of this honor, they lit a great fire and made omens. Agir, Sea giant, seemed to Asom most fitting, for the splendors of its undersea abode were known, and above all the beauty of his nine daughters who bring peace to the dead sailors.

Once Agir sat merry and joyful in front of his court, enjoying the sight of children playing on the waves, when suddenly he saw a man, tall and menacing looking, approaching him. He recognized Thor by the hammer and iron belt, the most dangerous of the Aesir. He was a bit scared at the sight, for he knew, that such visits never bode of anything good on Thursom. At the same time, he could not remember completely, with which he would expose himself to the anger and revenge of the Aesir. But the very first words of Thor calmed him down, though at the same time caused great embarrassment. Odin's son in a typical direct way demanded, that Agir would prepare a rich feast for Asom. Happy, that he saved the head, however, the giant did not hurry, to fulfill your request. The known appetite of the gods and their unrestrained eating and drinking could make the hearts of even the most hospitable host tremble, and Agir was famous for his avarice. So he used various excuses, to get rid of the uninvited guest and free yourself from thoughts of the Aces wreaking havoc on his stockpile. When, however, assurances, that he lacks hearty and tasty food for such distinguished guests, good service, that poverty reigns in him and that hunger alone with his family did not help, and Thor began to throw lightning from his eyes, the giant was frightened and tried the last excuse. He announced, that and yes, he would very much like to welcome the Aesir in his modest home, but it does not have such a large boiler, to brew enough beer for the gods. If, however, Thor brings it, why not? Agir will gladly prepare such a feast for Asom, which will surely satisfy them. Thor agreed to deliver the cauldron.