Destiny part 1

At first, the world seemed peaceful and happy. In Midgard, the still young and unspoiled mankind enjoyed the sun and life. It grew rapidly, because death, neither disease had access to it.

It flourished, enjoying the view of the divine creators. Giants not so many yet, they hid deep in the mountains, fearing the gods. The Asgard, open and undaunted, shone with indescribable splendor and splendor. On these happy days, Odin often sat on Hlidskjalf, Throne of the World, so that I may rejoice in my work with joy in my heart. Despite, that over Jotunheim he saw steadily rising, a black cloud of hatred, that a glow from Surt's forge was burning far to the south, and poisons and poisons accumulated in the depths of Niflhel, his thoughts remained calm. For he thought, that evil has been fetters sufficiently strong and that nothing can change the established order of things.

It went on like this as long as it did, until three old women appeared on the road from Jotunheim, Nomy. They entered Asgard unhindered, not restrained by the great magic of the Aesir, for they carried Fate with them. They settled at the Urdabrun spring flowing from under the root of the World Tree - Yggdrasilla. Here the thread of destiny began to spin, ruthlessly fulfilling the judgments of fate. This is how the carelessness of the world ended. Midgard felt the breath of death upon him, and the gods knew the taste of the passing time.

At this point, Odin understood - he sensed, that the danger is near. He understood, that it is not only the power of the gods that counts in the world, that there are others, senior forces, the art of which he had to learn. But where to look for knowledge? How to discover the eternal mystery? Odina was waiting for a long time, a terrible path to wisdom.