Destiny part 4

Far away in Jotunheim, in Widolf's family, the future-seeing giant Wolwa lived. Odin went to her. She did not want to reveal the secret to God for a long time. Only when he used the powerful runes did she begin to sing. It was a strange song and incomprehensible to the uninitiated. She sang the Hymn of the Acts about it, how Ymir was born in the abyss, how the Thurss were made of his body, how the gods uplifted the earth and gave names. The world was shaped in God's hand. Midgard and As-gard were born. Dwarfs were made and the first humans awoke. Nomy has found its seat. Greed entered Midgard and three times the pyre at the abode of the gods was ignited. The first fight took place and a drink of reconciliation was made. The prophetess continued to sing about the signs of impending doom. Bloodied Baldr is lying on the funeral pyre. Brother kills him, but someone else is at fault. The avenger is born, son of Odin. It won't have two days, when he will take revenge. The traitor is in chains, torment a cruel crime by occupying it. The ground trembles. Three harsh winters without sun will come. Three years of wars, rapes and looting will come. There will be brothers killing each other, defile blood compounds. Years of madness, blood and shamelessness. The age of the ax will come, the age of the sword. The world will fall into the abyss.

Odin listened to the song and it seemed to him, that the gift of Volwa flows down to him. He saw the earth shaking in its foundations. Mountains crumble in Jotunheim. The red rooster Fjalar crows. The gigantic Gollikambi, Asom crows, wake up. Another summons the wraiths Hel. Garm howls loudly, hell's dog. All ties fall. Heimdall dmie w róg Gjallarhorn, seeing Thurs at the gates of Asgard. The World Tree trembles. The monsters set free go into battle. The wolf will eat the sun and the moon. Stars are falling from the sky. The earth is shaking. The sea rises from its shores. Midgardsorm writhes in a wild rage. There are giants coming from the east. Hry leads them, shield of despair in his hand. Nadpływa Naglfar; ship of the dead. The sky is cracking. Through the rift comes Suń with her sons. Fire is in front of them and behind them. The Bilrost Bridge collapses. Odin talks to Mimir's head one last time. They rush the Valkyries across the Wigrid plain. There you fear. Odin fights the wolf and it rains in battle. Mighty Vidar will avenge his father. Thor faces Midgardsorm. Kills a monster, but he himself dies from the venom. Frey fights Surt and falls defeated. A beautiful god perishes, for there is no sword, which he gave for the charms of a woman. Garm lunges at Tyr. They both die in this fight. Surt falls to the ground and everything is on fire.

Here the Song stopped. Odin reached further into the future. He saw the solution. He already knew, that the fight will not be in vain.