Skrymir part 5

The next morning, after a hearty breakfast, the gods began to leave. Utgardaloki himself escorted them through the gates, wishing you a good way. As he said goodbye, he asked, what they think about yesterday's competition and the strength of his people. Here Thor had to admit, that he had not yet seen such mighty giants, nor had he heard of such. At Thurs he laughed and explained, that it was he who, in the guise of Skrimir, lured the Aesir to his city. He also told Thor, that the very first blow with a hammer would kill him, if he had not hidden under the spell behind a nearby rock. In place of, where the hammer hit, three valleys were formed, the last one of remarkable depth. He further explained, that Loki could not defeat his opponent, for it was fire, who was given the form of a giant with spell. Loki's voraciousness and strength amazed everyone. Thjalfi raced with Hugi the Think, a to, that he only gave him half the distance was already unbelievable. Thor, in turn, was unable to empty the corner, because its other end was immersed in the sea. However, the amount of fluid, which God poured into himself was so great, that Utgardaloki refused to believe his eyes. Lifting the cat, Thor hadn't even been deluded by witchcraft, that he picks up Midgardsorm, The Serpent of Midgard. In the moment, when the cat's paw broke off the ground, in fact, the snake only touched the ground with its tail and head. Nevertheless, the duel between Thor and Elle was astonishing. It was old age, and this one crushes even the mountains, but she only managed to bring him to one knee. At the end he said, that if he knew, how great is the power of the Aesir, he would never let them in, and for the best, if they don't meet again.
Thor, hearing it all and seeing it all, how they were mocked, grabbed the hammer. At the moment, however, Thurs is gone, and with it he faded into the morning light of Utgard. A green plain now stretched out in its place. The gods returned to Asgard strengthened indeed in their pride, but Thor could not forget the humiliation experienced for a long time and did not like it, when the adventure was mentioned.