World part 3

An eagle has its nest on the highest branches of Yggdrasilla, who knows about all the happenings, taking place in the world. The squirrel Ratatosk runs constantly from the highest branches to the deepest roots, carrying messages between the eagle and Nidhoggi. Four deer, …

World part 2

Odin, Wili and We threw Ymir's body right into the middle of the Ginnunga-gap, and thus the Earth was formed. They made mountains out of bones, water from blood, which flooded the round Earth widely. They made grass from the hair, and the sky from the skull. …

World part 1

In place of, where later Earth was created, before the sun and the stars shone and the Song began, the abyss. Her name was Ginnungagap. It was filled with enormous masses of ice. To the south of it lies Muspellheim - the realm of fire. It is ruled by Surt - a fire giant. Hot …

Prolog cz.4

49. The furious wolf brother throws himself; he is a strong son of Hlodingi and Odin; it kills the serpent once surrounding the earth. Look, mortals! Fiorgyna's son recedes nine paces from the flowing snake venom.

50. The sun is turning black, the earth is drowning in the sea! fade from heaven …