World part 1

In place of, where later Earth was created, before the sun and the stars shone and the Song began, the abyss. Her name was Ginnungagap. It was filled with enormous masses of ice. To the south of it lies Muspellheim - the realm of fire. It is ruled by Surt - a fire giant. Muspellheim's hot breath was melting the glaciers. Flowing from the void to the north of the river, rolling their poisonous ones, poisoned waters, as they moved away from the springs they solidified, turning into an ice desert. This is how Niflhel was created - the land of darkness, fogs and blizzards. Eliwag - the Niflhel River ran a poisonous current further north. Its waves crashed against the glaciers and turned into icy foam. Surt's hot breath kept her from freezing completely, and over time she formed into a form. It was Ymir - the father of the giants. He slept for a long time. It grew and swelled constantly during sleep, until it took on enormous size and frightening in appearance. While he was asleep, his left armpit bore a woman and a man, and the right leg with the left leg begot a boy - Ergelmir. Out of his children and their offspring a great line of ice giants - Thurs.

Same way as Ymir, Audumla the cow was born. Her milk served as food for the first of Thurss. She fed herself on salt, which she licked off the boat. As she licked like that, after the first day, the legs emerged from the ice. On the second day, a muscular torso was already visible. And finally on the third, the head appeared. This is how Buri was born - the oldest of the Aesir. His son Bur married the Beast, the daughter of the giant Baldorn, and they had three sons with her: Odina, Wilego i We.

The sons of Bur, seeing Ymir grow and the giants' lineage spreading, and the world is slowly plunging into chaos and into an icy night, decided to kill him. They did so. Blood, which flowed from Ymir's body, it spilled so wide, that all Thurss were drowned. Only Bergelmir survived, who managed to take refuge on the boat with his children. This allowed the giants to be reborn. There was less anger and poison in them, which, Ymir was overwhelmed, but from then on they hated the Aesir and all their works. This is also how the first murder of rubbish was carried out, which was to pave the way of gods and men.