The mythical world and man, part 5

“Gladsheim is called the fifth, there with gold
wonderful walhalla flares up;
There, too, Hropt collects daily
Warriors in the battles of the fallen”.
(Grimnismal 8)

This, who died their own death, he was destined to stay at Niflhel, the land of the dead.

For I am all

The mythical world and man, part 4

The Golden Age theme appears in many mythologies, constituting an allegory of paradise lost. It should be emphasized here, that it relates primarily to man. The gods remain independent. In Scandinavian beliefs, things are completely different. …

The mythical world and man, part 3

From leftovers, what they have left, created by the dwarf gods. And here the work of creation was completed. People, according to Eddy, they appeared spontaneously. The gods found them lying senseless and gave them the characteristics of a conscious life.

They found them lying on the shore without strength