Rig's works, part 1

View, as Odin saw from the heights of Hlidskjalf - the Throne of the World, he did not bring joy. A human tribe, already numerous and brave, it continued in chaos. Not understanding the divine order of things, people murdered secretly for the miserable trinkets and charms of women, not knowing what is the glory of war and honorable death in battle, giving the chosen ones immortality. Skaldowie, generously endowed by the gods, they wasted their gift by singing in fairs and taverns, misunderstood and ridiculed. man resembled a noble plant, which when planted and left to itself go wild and bear no fruit. Odin understood, that this state of affairs must change, if a divine purpose is to come true, and the work of creation is not to be destroyed on the day of Ragnarok. So he sent Heimdall, that he, in his wisdom, would give birth to man and define the natural order. Heimdall, understanding the intentions of the Father of the World, hurriedly set off for Midgard. And for the song to gain power, he took the name Rig for the duration of his mission.

He walked the rig along the edge of the lake, until at the end of the day he saw a farmyard and a hut with a door wide open. It was a miserable seat, walls made of woven bunks covered with clay, sloping roof made of rushes. Inside, a fire was burning in the hearth, and smoke rolled all over the room. Inside, in the twilight sat two emaciated people. Ai and Edda collapsed. Rig bowed to them as was customary, and they welcomed him. Edda served the guest a wholemeal flatbread made of coarsely ground flour mixed with bark, uncoated millet, and boiling water to drink in the jars. After supper, they got up and went to sleep. Rig lay down in the middle of the lair, and his hosts on both sides.

Rig spent three days and nights with Aia and Eddy, to finally move on. Nine months later, Edda gave birth to a boy. They called him Thrael (Slave). He was ugly and clunky, and when he reached manhood he enjoyed great strength. He braided wicker, he was tying the sheaves in the field, he chopped wood - he labored all day for a bowl of food and a corner to sleep. Then he took a wife named Thir. They worked together, not knowing, what are footwear and light clothing. They made children, dung fields, shepherd the goats, they dug peat and were happy. From them comes the family of slaves.