World part 2

Odin, Wili and We threw Ymir's body right into the middle of the Ginnunga-gap, and thus the Earth was formed. They made mountains out of bones, water from blood, which flooded the round Earth widely. They made grass from the hair, and the sky from the skull. Ymir's brain was thrown up and clouds appeared in the sky. But the sky was still gray and colorless. They then sneaked into Surt's forge and made the moon and stars of the stolen sparks. Then they also pushed the wagon of night and day, so that time can be counted. From the giant's eyebrows, they built Midgard in the center of the Earth - the seat of the people. And to the giants they gave possession of the coast of the sea - Jotunheim.

Finally, small cubes, what else they have left, were created by the Asians of the dwarfs. Four of them were placed in the four corners of the world. Austrie in the east, Westri in the west, Sudri to the south and Nórdri to the north. This is how they gave direction to the world. The rest of the dwarfs allowed themselves to choose their sovereignty according to their liking. The first was Modsognir, another Durin. They wandered down the dark corridors under the mountains. From then on, this underground world became their home. There, too, at the root of the earth, Modsognir and Durin made a lot of other dwarfs out of clay.

Sometime after that, Dwalin was born. He led part of his family from the underworld to the bright world and settled near the sea.

Initially, the gods did not have a permanent residence. They were often in Midgard, like to see it green and bloom in eternal spring. Once they saw people lying on the ground, without feeling Aska (Ash) i Emblę (Alder). Odin gave them breath and life.

The second is the ability to move and your mind. The third is the senses. This is how the first people appeared on Earth. They were given over to Midgard, and in time they filled it with their offspring and accepted the Asians as gods.

When the human race has multiplied sufficiently, The Aesir decided to build a headquarters for themselves. To this end, they built in Midumheim - the middle world of Asgard - the stronghold of the Aesir. A huge ash tree grows from the center of Asgard, supporting the sky with its wide branches. It is called Yggdrasill. With three roots, it reaches the most distant of the worlds. One draws life-giving juices in Asgard. Underneath it flows a stream of pristine water, called in the Song "the source of Urd."”. Nomy lived next to him, constantly watering the World Tree. Who drinks the water from the spring, learns the whole past.

The second root goes to the depths of the land of the dead - Nijlhel. There, he constantly nibbles him and poisons him with the Nidhogg snake. If it weren't for Nomy, the ash would have died long ago, and the world with it.

The third one begins in Jotunheim, the land of the giants. Here, at the miraculous spring, lives Mimir - the sage. His wisdom comes from here, that every day, filling the corner of Giallar with water, takes a sip. Its value is invaluable. Odin for letting me taste this water, give up one eye. Hence it is called One-Eye.