Huge part 1

The oldest creatures on earth are giants, which is Thurss. Their race is descended from Bergelmir, the only one, who survived, as Ymir's blood flooded the world. They are cruel and unused creatures. Huge height and often disgusting form (some had multiple heads), they inhabit a gloomy and menacing country called Jotunheim. They live in large dwellings carved out of glaciers or solid rock, or made of rough boulders. They often use witchcraft, ruling the frost, winds, water and fire.

They know metals and can work them, but they never attained perfection in this craft. Their favorite material is stone, which they can shape and use wisely, knowing best its nature. It is extremely rare for them to do something beautiful. Usually their handiwork is particularly primitive and has a careless finish.

The overwhelming majority of the giants were dumb and limited. Incredible strength, they had, it did not go hand in hand with cunning. Both people have succeeded many times, strong and god, when they fell into their hands, get out of trouble with your cunning and intelligence. Despite their inborn stupidity, they were dangerous and cruel, and also wild and uncouth, as the country was wild, in which they lived. However, there were sages among them, full of this wisdom, which flows from the roots of the mountains, speech of rivers and grasses, wind noise. The smartest was called Mimir. He lived at the roots of the World Tree, at the Source of Knowledge. Odin gave him one eye for a sip of water from the spring. The gods valued his advice so much, that when he was killed, his head was spared from decay, and her ability to think and speak was restored.