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Odin, having prepared the world for the Final Great Battle, he has now decided to secure Asgard. It turned out, that neither the power of the Aesir, nor did the mighty shafts protect it sufficiently. After all, Gullweig got to the abode of the gods despite powerful sorcery, and the Vanirs easily conquered the divine city. Such walls should have been built, which nobody would, even armed with great witchcraft, could not break. But where to find such an efficient builder?

The gods gathered for a council and consulted for a long time, finding no solution. Once a black-clad husband appeared at the Asgard gate, grew and strong. He proposed, that Asom would build such walls, which none of Thurs will be able to overcome and make Asgard an impregnable fortress. As payment, he demanded the goddess Freya for his wife, and on top of that, the sun and the moon. The gods called a council and pondered the proposal for a long time, unable to make a decision. The price seemed too high to everyone. At that time, a young giant appeared with the gods, syn Farbautiego i Laufeyji. He was called Loki. Clever and cunning advised Asom, that they accept the stranger's offer on one condition. Well, he would have to finish his work during the winter, with only his stallion called Swadelfari to help. The strangers agreed and made a deal. He immediately set to work. At first the gods were sure of theirs, for they did not suppose, so that anyone would be able to complete such a difficult task in such a short time.

what the horror of the gods was, when the works were almost finished at the end of winter. Already massive blocks of black rock piled up around Asgard, machined with a skilled hand. The stranger doubled and tripled, and the solid walls grew, now encircling the abode of the gods with a mighty ring. Finally, on the last day of winter, only the gate remained unfinished. Everything seemed to speak for it, that the stranger will complete the work on time. A terrible fear gripped the gods. A world without sun and moon, and Asgard without Freya - it couldn't have happened.