Rig's works, part 3

When Jarl grew up from his boyhood, Rig returned and gave him advice. He inherited lands and people and showed him, how to keep them and make them bigger with the sword. He also taught him how to engrave runes and showed him, what power they give. Then Rig left.

Jarl knew now, what is fit for him to do. He got the team together. The seas passed by, winning castles and cities. He accumulated all kinds of goods. He himself conquered eighteen lands and amassed immense riches. He had sent half of the battles over with the bodies of the warriors, and Odin was ready to send the Valkyries, to bring the fallen to Valhalla. The words of the oracle were fulfilled.

Jarl was studying now, how to rule people, and how to win them over. Punished the reluctant, and he rewarded the faithful. He gave away wealth generously, however, while at the same time, so as not to diminish the family's fortune too much. He paid for faithfulness with gold, and for unfaithfulness an inevitable vengeance. He handed out rings to the bravest warriors, chains and beautiful horses. He offered the chosen ones a prominent place at his table. He skillfully satiated their thirst for riches and honors, while awakening in hearts the thirst for chivalrous glory and the enthusiasm for battle. When he achieved all this, he took Jarl's daughter to wife for himself , Erna and they had many sons with her. He bequeathed them an inheritance, and the people respected them and were submissive to them.

The youngest of Jarl's sons was named Kon, and he was the most distinguished in the family. He gained fame and respect among the people. He knew the runes. He sang rescue songs, defending, soothing and songs of longevity. He had power.

In his youth, Kon wasted the gifts he had received from the gods in mere fun and pranks. He deluded animals and cast unpleasant spells. Odin, seeing, how so much noble power is wasted, he sent his ravens to him.