Aurora borealis

Aurora borealis

Few of the phenomena are so mesmerizing, like the vibrating northern lights. Although this fleeting phenomenon can take many forms – column, bands, beams and halo of vibrating light – the most unforgettable sight is the aurora resembling aurora …

Glossary of Glacier and Ice Terms Part 2

Brunette – a bed of material transported by a glacier. Stones and silt pushed by the glacier face are called terminal moraine, The side moraines are lateral moraines, and in the middle and at the bottom of the glacier – this.

Muton …

Fisheries and marine resources

Fisheries and marine resources

There is no exaggeration in saying, that to the most controversial issues, concerning environmental protection in Norway, raised by environmentalists in Norway and around the world, include the hunting of marine mammals, fishing rights and diminishing …

Glossary of Glacier and Ice Terms

Glaciers once covered a large part of Norway. Even today, there are many remnants of ice caps and valley glaciers throughout the country, especially in Svalbard. The glossary below contains terms that apply to glacier phenomena.

Arete – sharp edge between the two …