Hunting for seals

Hunting for seals. In Norway, seal hunting has been limited to two species: harpoon and hooded cap. The aim of the hunt is clearly to limit the development of a growing population. A fishing lobby would like to reduce competition, what for ships …


Whaling. No other issue related to environmental protection in Norway arouses such international interest and so many emotions, like resuming whale hunting in the Arctic Sea. W 1993 r. in Norway, commercial hunting has returned …



While the aurora seems to work wonders, mirage and related phenomena, commonly found in the polar region, may lead to a visit to a psychiatrist. Transparent, clean arctic air makes, that distant objects appear beyond the focus. As a result of this …

Polar day and polar night

Polar day and polar night

Because the Earth remains unchangingly tilted with respect to its axis, the polar regions are constantly tilted towards the sun on their summer solstice, while in winter they are tilted to the other side. North and South Arctic Circles, on …