The Tale of Grimnir, Part 1

King Hraudung had two sons, Agnara and Geirroda. Once, late autumn, when Agnar was ten years old, and his brother eight, they both set out on the boat to catch fish. They had already moved a little further from the shore, when suddenly …

Skrymir part 5

The next morning, after a hearty breakfast, the gods began to leave. Utgardaloki himself escorted them through the gates, wishing you a good way. As he said goodbye, he asked, what they think about yesterday's competition and the strength of his people. Here Thor had to …

Skrymir part 4

Now Thjalfi is up for the competition. His opponent was Hugi and they were supposed to race. Even though Thjalfi ran the fastest among men and gods, Hugi immediately gained the upper hand. After three laps, he left Thor's servant halfway behind him.

Utgardalok …

Skrymir part 3

Some time later they saw a city in the distance, whose tops of houses were so high, you had to look up to see them, up to the point of breaking your neck. The wanderers were amazed, as they looked at this mighty city, which seemed to them …