Skrymir part 2

In the middle of the night, a terrible noise woke them, but neither of them dared to go outside and see what the noise was. As dawn broke, they ran outside and noticed him asleep …

Skrymir part 1

Once upon a time, Thor went on another journey around the world, a cart drawn by two trestles. Loki was with him. When night fell, they saw a modest cottage in the distance. The farmer lived there with his son Thjalfi and daughter Roskwa. …

Hymir's cauldron part 4

And this time the giant would not admit, that Thor has great strength. He felt sorry to part with such a precious vessel. So he invented another attempt. Namely he demanded, for god to break his crystal cup. As he threw the vessel at the stone …

Hymir's cauldron part 3

In the morning they set off to sea. Once they had sailed far from the mainland, Hymir dropped the fishing line and after a while he pulled out two whales. Now Odin's son took the oars in his hands and led the boat out to the center of the sea, tam, where the greatest depth. …