The Tale of Grimnir, Part 1

King Hraudung had two sons, Agnara and Geirroda. Once, late autumn, when Agnar was ten years old, and his brother eight, they both set out on the boat to catch fish. They had already moved a little further from the shore, when suddenly a violent wind blew and carried the boat away. Soon the land disappeared from sight of the boys. That was how the night found them. In the dark, huddled at the bottom, they expected death. However, fate decreed otherwise. It was not possible for the brothers to die in the surf. In the morning their boat crashed on the rocks of an unknown coast. In the morning, when the first rays of the sun fell on the ground, went inland, looking for human settlements. After some time, they found a lonely hut. The inhabitants, the one-eyed old man and the old woman, they welcomed them warmly and kept them at home throughout the winter. The hostess took care of Agnar, the landlord took care of Geirrod. They taught them the truth about the world and the gods and gave them lots of valuable advice.

With the onset of spring, when the winter storms have died down, the old man prepared them a new boat and wished them luck. But before they said goodbye, long into the night he spoke with Geirrod. He taught him then, how to gain and maintain power. He also gave a lot of advice, how a wise ruler should act, to win over his subjects and to become universally loved and respected.

The boys got into the boat, and that a favorable wind was blowing, soon they saw their native shore. When they reached the marina, Geirrod stepped ashore first and pushed the boat away with his brother, while calling out, that the sea would swallow her. He himself went to his father's court. Agnar, meanwhile, was carried by the waves and his hearing was lost.